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Tuesday 16 December 2008

One Night @ The Call Center

One Night @ The Call Center

Book info:

Having just read One Night @ The Call Center by Chetan Bhagat I am just thrilled! I had read

Five Point Someone sometime back. Ever since I was keen on reading this. And here I got the

opportunity during my brief stay home. Been to sweet Golpark and bagged the book (for Rs. 90,

will get back 70 once I return… ). As before Chetan Bhagat, presents a book that has enough

pace to keep you glued. I read it in one seating. What I just love about this author is his

sharp wit - makes you relish every line you read. Unlike FPS I liked the ending of ON@TCC very

much. The ending of FPS was kind of sad it left a lump in the throat. ON@TCC ends much to a

reader’s pleasure. But then it is more unreal than FPS be it for the God episode or even the

Operation Yankie Fear! Did I say unreal? Umm… not quite. After all who is God after all? The

inner call within us which is what the book stresses on. ON@TCC is not just any other thriller.

It is thrilling as well as thought-provoking.

I really liked it when Shyam resorted to googling to find fault with his ‘opponent’ under

Vroom’s insistence, the latter is comparable to Ryan of FPS. Googling out your rival, anyone?

Before beginning the story the author asks 3 questions to the readers. My answers to those are…

One thing I fear: I am often gripped by this fear that I may not make it big in my life!

One thing that makes me angry: The system.

One thing I do not like about myself: There are times I talk foolish and repent later.

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